Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Vsit to the Organic Farms

The rotaractors and 27 children from the Woodlands Care Corner visited two organic farms, namely the Hay Dairies’ Goat Farm, and the Green Circle Eco Farm.

Hay Dairies is the only goat farm in Singapore. It is a small goat farm with 1000 goats of mixed breed, producing milk for sale. It incorporates the latest milking, pasteurizing, homogenizing and bottling techniques, and also serves as a niche market in Singapore - providing an alternative to cow milk. Most of the goats at Hay Dairies are alpine goats from America (Minnesota).

The Green Circle Eco Farm is an ecogarden - an organic farm made up of many plants and animals. No artificial pesticides and fertilizers are used in the organic farm.

It was an overall refreshing and enriching trip, with the extra knowledge gained along the way, and of course, also from the interacting with the children.

Some of the many facts learnt from this trip:

- Sugar comes from the sap of sugarcane.
- Cold mint vegetables are good for treating cough.
- Fruit vegetables are developed from flowers. Examples include cucumbers, brinjals and lady fingers.


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